For this game you need five dices and a calculation table. Throwing the dices all players after their tries fill the table With the several categories corresponding to possible poker combinations.
Each player has three attempts, each of them can throw the dices 1-3 times a turn.
At the first try a player throws all 5 dices and chooses which of them should be thrown again for getting better combination. If the combination is not appropriate again the player throws the dices for the third try, the player can choose which of the dices should be thrown and which of them should be left. Depending on the certain combination the player makes a decision in which category of the play table he or she should write this result so that it would be highly profitable for him or her, because this affects how many points the player will earn for this turn.
After the first player uses three attempts the turn goes to the next participant. And it goes circle-wise until the play table is filled completely.
If a player gets an appropriate combination at the first or second try he or she can write the result in the table at once and not throw the dices again, then the turn goes to the next player.
If you don't get the necessary combination you have to write a cross in any category of your choice. Accordingly, if you wrote a cross in the first column it means that the cross in the Award will be made automatically but you can try to get appropriate combinations for the second and third column of the same category filling them rowly.
It is imperative to avoid any crosses in the category of "School", that is the rows up 1 to 6 classes, otherwise all earned awards can be erased and a player will have to write crosses instead of them.
A player can get an award if there is no cross in one of the categories at all. So, it is necessary to get three appropriate combinations. The result of the third column is written in the Award.
As soon as one of the players receives the award in any category, other players get crosses in the same row automatically as the award can be taken by that player only who writes the result by the first one.
In addition, you can get the award of 60 points, if you fill any column across the all categories without a single cross. However, if one of the players has already got the award for the first column the other participants can not apply for this award, but they can receive the awards for the second or third column.
Description of possible combinations
- Class 1 — it is necessary to get at least 3 ones. But if you will get more then three, for example, 4 ones, you can leave this one in reserve and use it for the following columns of the first class if necessary, when you can write only 2 ones instead of required 3 ones. Accordingly, when you will waste your reserve you will need 3 ones again for this category;
- the same rule works for the 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 classes, the only difference will be in quantity of points. For example, 3 ones in the school are three points, three sixes are 18 points.
However, you can have an alternative for several combinations where you can make a choice. If you get 4 4 4 5 5 you can write this result in one of the following categories:
- Fours — 12 points;
- One pair — 10 points;
- Two pairs — 18 points;
- Triplet — 12 points;
- Full-house — 22 points;
- Chance — 22 points.
- One pair is a combination including two dices of equal value, for example: 2 2 3 5 6. However, it is important to consider that while scoring the sum of this pair is calculated only.
- Two pairs is a combination including two pairs, each of them should be equal value: 3 5 5 6 6. So, the sum of these two pairs are considered only.
- Triplet is a combination of three dices of equal value: 1 3 4 4 4. However, while scoring the fours are considered only.
- Small straight is a combination of five dices in order: 1 2 3 4 5.
- Large straight is a combination of five dices in order: 2 3 4 5 6.
- Full-house is a combination of three dices of equal value and one pair: 3 3 3 5 5.
- Four of a kind is a combination of Four dices of equal value: 5 5 5 5 6. So, while scoring the fives are considered only.
- Poker is a combination of five dices of equal value, for example: 6 6 6 6 6. However, it is very difficult to get this combination, therefore this category is often given up.
- Chance - this category is very advantageous especially when at the first try you don't get any appropriate combinations, but you have an excellent opportunity to earn more points if the sum of gained doubling points gives a good result.
Pay attention that in such categories as Small straight, Large straight, Full-house, Poker and Chance points are calculated for each dice as each of them is a part of these combinations.
If a player gets the desired combination at the first try and decides not to throw the dices any more, in this case the points will be doubled. For example, if you get the combination "Pair": 2 4 5 5 6, where 5 and 5 add up to 10 points in total. If you decide not to throw the dices any more and write this result in the play table, you will get 20 points. However, if you want to throw the dices again the rule of doubling points will not work any more.
It is important to remember that this rule doesn't work regarding the «School», that is even if a player wants to write the points in this category after the first try, the points will not be doubled as in this category (up 1 to 6 classes) points are always considered at nominal value.
The game is over when each participant fills the play table completely. The winner is announced that one who earns the maximum of points. The winner can be not only one if three (or more) players take part in this game and several players earn the same maximum of points.