A military board game for 2 players, with 40 pieces for each player. Players know only their own pieces; you can find out pieces of your opponent only after an attack. The goal is to capture the unique piece of your opponent- the flag.
The board is of size 10×10. Lakes are places on the board with a size of 2×2 and you cannot put any piece on them.
In the game, following pieces are used, from weakest to strongest:
- 1 flag,
- 1 spy,
- 8 scouts,
- 5 miners,
- 4 sergeants,
- 4 lyeutenants,
- 4 captains,
- 3 mayors,
- 2 collonels,
- 1 general,
- 1 marshal,
- 6 bombs.
Stratego battle
Players must arrange pieces on first 4 rows of their side of the board. Arrangement of pieces largely influences the game. Flags and bombs are fixed pieces which cannot move during the game.
During their turn players can move one piece left, right, forward or backwards; the first turn is always played by «red».
You can place your piece on an empty cell or attack your opponent’s piece. It is forbidden to move your piece across 2 same fields for 3 consecutive turns. It is forbidden to chase your opponent’s piece for more than 2 consecutive turns.
Scout, unlike other figures, can skip any number of cells similar to rook in chess;except that movement across lakes is forbidden.
When you attack, strenghth of pieces is compared. With an exception in the case «Spy VS marshal », piece of a lower rang always loses and is removed from the board. If the piece which attacks is stronger, it takes the place of the previously beaten piece. If the piece which defends is stronger, it remains in it’s place. When the rang is equal, both pieces are removed.
Spy, unlike other pieces, can attack and beat marshal. When a spy is attacked by a marshall, it dies.
When you attack bombs, piece which is attacking dies and is removed from the board; bomb remains in it’s place. Miner, unlike other pieces, neutralizes the bomb and moves on it’s place.
Information about beaten pieces is visible to both players.
A flag is beaten when it is attacked by any other piece, even a spy. Player becomes the winner when beating opponent’s flag, as well as in the case when your opponent has no available moves (their pieces are beaten or blocked by their other pieces). If both players lose their figures, and the way to the flag is not clear, the game is draw.
Stratego duel
Stratego duel- a fast game by all means: Fast learning, fast playing and fast victory! Unlike the battle version, here players put only 10 pieces on the lower part of their side on the board. The player, for example, can put all his figures on a lower corner, protecting his flag with 2 bombs. The advantage of such placement is that only miners of your opponent can beat your flag, as only they can neutralize a bomb. The disadvantage is that they will know right away where to look for your flag, as soon as the arrangement finishes.